Mac Sutherland
XXXX - September 12, 1998
Mac led a full life. He was loved by Jamie, Kirsten, Julie and me, Bob.

We all got to know Mac one day when we were out driving home from a family picnic. We almost ran into this dog that just stood on the road. I stopped the car. We all looked at each other in disbelief. I got out of the car. He didn't run away, he just stood still. I went up to him and started petting his head, rubbing his ears, then his paws. I said good-bye and walked about half way back to the car. I turned around and he was still looking at me, not moving. I did the one thing, that I thought I'd regret for the rest of my life, I yelled, "You want to come with us, boy ?". He ran to me, jumped up and licked my face. As fast as Jamie opened the car door, he flew in. Julie just shook her head, I knew I'd have to explain this one later. The two kids laughed, hooped and hollered and played with Mac. Mac was home.

Mac, rest in peace.


In loving memory, Sutherland family