Charlie Angus MacFarlane
June 12, 1930 - August 17, 1998
Our father was a man of integrity and pride. What a combination. Sometimes, pride got in the way of his integrity, but somehow, it all balanced out. Dad was called on for jury duty several times. He never directly spoke about the cases. I'm glad.

The less we knew the better, especially when it came to the notorious Kramden murders. Dad actually knew old man Kramden and his wife. A portly couple, always buying groceries or something. The word on the street was that they were killed for money - maybe their son did it. When the case was finally over, it turned out to be their neighbour Crimshaw who did it. Dad sat us down and told us what happened. We listened intently. He was always a good story-teller. Love, Winnie, Micheal, Gertrude, and Mama (from heaven).

In loving memory, MacFarlane family